20 November 2001

German journalist

photo opportunity 11am, Wednesday 21 November, Room T9, Tower Building, University of Dundee.

A prominent German journalist will visit the University of Dundee tomorrow to explain the German view of the EU to European studies students.

Hendrik Bebber is a prominent member of the German press corps in Britain and in 1998 won the Anglo-German Foundation for the Study of Industrial Society annual prize for his outstanding contribution to British- German understanding through journalism.

The School of Contemporary European Studies will be treated to two lectures from Hendrick tomorrow. He will deliver "Cultural Riches of the New Bundeslander" to an undergraduate audience in the morning and will address staff and senior students in the afternoon on "EU Enlargement - a German assessment".

Herr Bebber was born in Nuremberg, took a degree in History and Social Sciences at Erlangen Unversity and started his career in international journalism in 1971. He came to Britain in 1980 and lives in Bath with his English wife. He is UK correspondent for 10 German radio stations as well as leading newspapers including Berliner Tagesspiegal, Kölner Stadtanzeiger and Nürnberger Nachrichten./ENDS