31 May 2002

How do you feel about computers?

Response, the latest exhibition at the University of Dundee's Visual Research Centre, in Dundee Contemporary Arts, is a hands-on, public oriented project revealing our ambivalence towards computers. It is the result of research done by Fran Marquis -Faulkes from the University of Dundee's Department of Applied Computing, and glass artist Adrienne McStay.

The title question was asked of three to 83 year-old members of the public and has evoked a mixed and intense response, with frustration and ambivalence being the prominent emotions. Answers were vividly expressed on postcards, using techniques from embroidery and text, to basic drawings by the youngest members.

Fran said; "We've had a lot of interest in the exhibition. People who submitted their answers were really excited at seeing their contributions on display in the gallery."

The exhibition also features thought-provoking responses by other local artists, with pieces such as Pure Mince by Kathy Watts and Touching by Adrienne McStay, and is on until June 2.