University of Dundee University of Dundee
Text only

17 March 2004

Glover award for asthma design

Photo opportunity 11am, Thursday 18 March, Wellcome Trust Biocentre.

Martin Smith, the Boxmaster of the Glover Trade, one of the nine incorporated trades in Dundee will present a University of Dundee post graduate student with a Glover Trade scholarship tomorrow (Thursday 18 March).

Lorraine Anderson, a post graduate design student who is using magnified images of pollen as a result of her lifelong struggle with asthma to design privacy curtains for the asthma ward at Ninewells is the recipient of the award.

Dr Alan Prescott and Martin Kierans who work with the Electron Microscope in the School of Life Sciences showed Lorraine how to work the microscope to produce her images.

Lorraine's is another project at the University of Dundee which is at the interface of the ground breaking life sciences and the international design strengths in Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design.

Martin Smith of the Glover Trade said: "We are delighted in the Glover Trade to give this award to Lorraine. Our criteria for scholarships are that the students we award are local and that we invest all our money back into the City of Dundee."

Lorraine is studying for a postgraduate in textiles in the School of Design at Duncan of Jordanstone Faculty of Art and Design at the University of Dundee.

By Jenny Marra, Head of Press 01382 344910, out of hours: 07968298585,