6 March 2001
An exhibition of new works by Gina Czarnecki of the school of television
and imaging at the University of Dundee opens on Thursday in the Visual
Research Centre at DCA.
Czarnecki collaborated with Iona Kewney, an improvisational dancer, to make a video depicting the performer's mutated body and movements set against futuristic environments. These environments progress from the cultured to the animal and the human to machine.
This hybrid work of dance and digital artwork - "Infected" commissioned by the National Review of Live Art can be viewed from a video installation in Centrespace in the Visual Research Centre.
The net making industry of Bridport is featured in "Arteries", a multi-screen video installation exploring the relationship between the community and the body.
The exhibition opens in Centrespace on 8 March and runs until 28 March.
University of Dundee Visual Research Centre 01382 348105