University of Dundee University of Dundee
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25 June 2004

Principal's public report

A summary of the year's activities at the University of Dundee, including a surge in student applications, research successes in all faculties and plans for a £160m campus redevelopment, will be delivered to the public for the first time tomorrow when University of Dundee Principal and Vice Chancellor Sir Alan Langlands gives his annual report at the Bonar Hall. (Saturday 26 June)

Sir Alan will give a speech at 4.45pm, before the annual Discovery lecture, encompassing the University's achievements, goals and plans for the future. The address has been made public this year for the first time as a measure of transparency and accountability.

A number of areas will be covered, the rise in student applications, financial health, new information technology innovations and faculty highlights.

After his lecture, the annual Discovery lecture will be delivered by Professor Richard Demarco. Entitled "New beginnings are in the offing" Professor Demarco will give his views on the future of arts in Scotland and in particular the increasing prominence of Dundee on the European map of culture.

Both the Principal's report and the Discovery lecture are free and open to the public and will take place in the Bonar Hall.

By Jenny Marra, Head of Press 01382 344910, out of hours: 07968298585,