30 June 2003
New sports union executive
The University of Dundee Sports Unionhas just appointed their new committee for the 2003-04 session.
The members are (left to right)
- Amanda Wilson Events Coordinator (Basketball)
- David Fadipe Male Vice President (Sailing)
- Deborah Hayes Safety Convener (Canoe)
- Eilidh Morgan Female Vice President (Basketball)
- Neil Calvin Minibus Convener (Sailing)
- Beth Gibson President (W. Rugby)
- Scot Jeffers Communications Officer (Rugby)
- Nicola Rymer Administrative Secretary (Tennis)
- Sarah Bell Honorary Secretary (W. Rugby)
The committee will be responsible for co-ordinating all sporting fixtures in the University and running all
the sports clubs.
By Jenny Marra, Head of Press 01382 344910 j.m.marra@dundee.ac.uk