25 July 2001

Teething toys

Dundee baby, Tommy Humphreys will visit the dental school at the University of Dundee tomorrow to be presented with a £100 prize draw toy voucher from University Rector and comedian Fred MacAulay for taking part in a five year study to prevent children's teeth decaying.

The study is just in its second year but already there has been a three-fold increase in the number of high risk children under the age of two registered at the dentist. Only 19% of infants at high risk from decay were visiting the dentist in 1999 compared with a staggering 65% currently.

Researchers at the University of Dundee hope to significantly reduce the amount of tooth decay in children by encouraging a good regime of dental practice in infancy. Project leader Carole Anderson hopes that in a few years extracting children's teeth will be a thing of the past.

Dental practitioners throughout Tayside are administering the GETCaPPP scheme - Generalisable Evidence Based Targeted Prevention for Pre-schoolers in Primary Care. For those thought to be at high risk of tooth decay this includes advice on caring for children's teeth, free tooth brushes and toothpaste and protective varnishes painted on the teeth. At the end of the study their dental health will be compared to that of children who have attended for their normal pattern of dental care. 1041 infants all born in 1999 and living in Dundee are taking part in the study. The team will make recommendations in 2004 on a good dental practice for infants.ENDS

Contact Carole Anderson 01382 345751