29 January 2002

Sopranos hit Dundee

Photo Opp: Wednesday 30 January, 3.15pm, Chaplaincy Centre, Cross Row.

The University of Dundee's first evening concert of 2002 is on Wednesday night with the soprano Catherine Baker who will be giving a programme of English, French and American song including pieces, by Britten, Faure and Barber.

Catherine was born in Dunfermline and studied at Durham University. Her most recent concerts include performances of Walton's Façade and the Spanish Lieder Booklet. Her programme will include British songs by Weir and Britten, complementing French pieces by Faure and Debussy.

At 2.30 p.m. on the same day Catherine will be taking a short masterclass for future sopranos from Dundee High School and Harris Academy.

Tickets for the evening concert are £6, £4 concession and only £2 for students. The concert begins at 7.30pm in the University's Chaplaincy Centre, Cross Row.

For further information Contact Graeme Stevenson, 01382 348148, University Music Coordinator