University of Dundee University of Dundee
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16 December 2004

Learning from Life Sciences

Photo opportunity: 11.35 am, Thursday 16 December, Large Lecture Theatre, Wellcome Trust Biocentre, University of Dundee

Over 250 secondary school pupils will descend upon the School of Life Sciences at the University of Dundee for the annual Higher Biology Conference to hear lectures on mating behaviour, cancer diagnosis and treatment and why identification of a person, living or dead, is important.

The issue of whether the female holds most of the cards when it comes to conflicts in courtship and mating behaviour in animals will be examined by Dr Steve Hubbard in his presentation "Battle of the Sexes - evolution of mating behaviour in animals", where he'll show the struggle that goes on beneath the appearance of harmony and co-operation in relationships. Dr Hubbard is a Reader in the Division of Environmental and Applied Biology.

In his lecture "Improving the Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer", Professor Julian Blow will explain the basic biology behind cancer and how it depends on DNA mutating to become cancerous and the variety of mechanisms a cell has to limit this happening. The pupils will then learn how our understanding of these processes can lead to the treatment and prevention of cancer. Professor Blow is Deputy Head of the Division of Gene Regulation and Expression.

Professor Sue Black, Head of the Unit of Anatomy and Forensic Anthropology will ask the question "So just who the heck do you think you are?" as she challenges the students to look at their own identity and how they can safeguard it from theft such as credit card fraud. Professor Black will explain that it is equally important that identity can be established through the process of trying to assign a name to the deceased.

The aim of the conference is to increase the awareness of recent exciting developments in life sciences and the breadth of career opportunities that the biosciences have to offer. It also provides the pupils who will be sitting their mock higher examinations in January, with unique opportunity to experience University life at first hand.

The pupils are from ten schools in Dundee and Angus.

Contact Professor Hilary-Kay Young 01382 344278

Note to Editors


10.30-10.35 Welcome by Professor Peter Downes, Dean of Faculty and Head of the School of Life Sciences

10.35-11.05 Dr Steve Hubbard, Division of Environmental and Applied Biology, School of Life Sciences

11.05-11.35 Professor Julian Blow, Division of Gene Regulation and Expression, School of Life Sciences

11.35-11.50 Break

11.50-11.45 Professor Sue Black, Unit of Anatomy and Forensic Anthropology, School of Life Sciences

By Jenny Marra, Head of Press 01382 344910, out of hours: 07968298585,