13 December 2002

Christmas crackers

Photo opportunity 11.45am, Friday 13 December, Bowes Lyon Hall, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Gardyne Road, Dundee.

Children from Powrie Primary school will lead their future teachers in Christmas carols at the annual faculty carol service for teaching and social work students and staff at the University of Dundee's faculty of education and social work today.

The children will perform a Christmas drama called Christmas Crackers after staff and students from the faculty perform choral and dramatics of their own including "Twelve days to go", before student Jane Harrison performs a clarinet solo accompanied on the piano by fellow student Elizabeth Strachan.

Student soloist Elaine Mosson will sing "The Little Road to Bethlehem" and the student choir will give a rendition of the "Shepherd's Cradle Song". The staff choir will rouse the audience with the "Hallelujah Chorus" from Handel's Messiah.

Principal and Vice Chancellor of the University of Dundee Sir Alan Langlands will attend the carol service this morning with Deputy Principal and Dean of the Faculty of Education and Social Work Ron Elder. Deputy Principals Bill Barr and Geoff Ward will also be in attendance.

The carol service is an annual event at Gardyne Road and has continued now the former college is part of the University of Dundee.

By Jenny Marra, Press Officer 01382 344910 j.m.marra@dundee.ac.uk