University of Dundee University of Dundee
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24 March 2010

Retiral of Dr Wynne Carter

Photo opportunity: From 3.30 pm, Friday 26th March,
Iain Lowe Centre, Ninewells
There will be a presentation to Dr Carter

Dr Wynne Carter, Director of Computing and Media Services in the College of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing at the University of Dundee, will retire this Friday after 47 years at the University.

Dr Carter came to Dundee in 1963 to study for a degree in Mathematics. After graduating and a short period of pure research, he joined the staff of the University in 1967, moving to Dundee Royal Infirmary to begin the development of laboratory computing.

He moved to the Ninewells Hospital campus of the School of Medicine when it opened in 1974 and has worked there ever since. During his career he has witnessed massive changes in the way computing and technology has influenced research and everyday activities within higher education and healthcare.

'The first computer I worked on when I was a student here took up two rooms - one of them for the power supply and one for the computer - and it had only a fraction of the power and capability of something you could carry in your pocket now,' said Dr Carter.

Dr Carter has played a central role in developing innovative systems which have supported healthcare, research and teaching in Tayside and Fife. Many of these were also then taken on by organisations around the UK.

'We found early on, particularly once we moved to Ninewells, that we were working very closely with researchers and clinicians who were looking for help in building systems for storing and analysing clinical data and research results,' he said. 'Some of the systems we developed with them were still working decades later and indeed some are still evolving today.

'Gone are the days when we could lay our own cables round buildings to build early networks but modern internet technologies are now linking GPs with hospitals and engaging students with staff in ever more innovative ways.'

A reception will be held for Dr Carter in the Iain Lowe Centre at Ninewells on Friday 26th March at 3.30pm.

For media enquiries contact:
Roddy Isles
Head, Press Office
University of Dundee
Nethergate, Dundee, DD1 4HN
TEL: 01382 384910
MOBILE: 07800 581902