University of Dundee University of Dundee
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27 March 2009

University launches equality and diversity training programme

The University of Dundee has become one of the first in the UK to launch a full online training programme on equality and diversity for all staff.

The main aim of the programme is to allow staff to increase their awareness and understanding of the many complex issues involved in this area and to comply with legislative requirements.

“The University is fully committed to the principles of promoting equality and diversity for all staff, students and others associated with the University,” said Sir Alan Langlands, Principal of the University.

“The University Court, which has the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that the institution complies with the statutory requirements of various equality laws, recently supported and approved a mandatory training programme.

“One of the priorities has been to build upon the work that has already been developed and delivered in the area of equality and diversity by providing practical support in the form of a programme of training modules. We have taken a lead in the UK higher education sector through the launch of this comprehensive training programme under the leadership of Pamela Milne, Human Resources Director.”

The programme has the full backing of all of the recognised University unions who have been actively involved in piloting it and has received the full approval of the relevant University committees. A similar training programme for students will be introduced in academic session 2009/10.

The training programme will be delivered through online training modules covering various aspects relating to equality and diversity developed by a company with a proven track record in this field, Marshall ACM Ltd.

All staff will be required to complete the following modules:
Diversity in the Workplace
Stress in the Workplace
A Manager's Guide to Stress

Staff involved with Learning and Teaching will also be required to complete a further module in Diversity in Learning & Teaching

Staff involved in recruitment and selection will also be required to complete a module in Recruitment and Selection

Marshall ACM have already developed and are delivering online training modules in this field for a number of UK universities.

Further information on the programme and how to access the modules is available at:

Roddy Isles
Head of Press
University of Dundee
Nethergate, Dundee, DD1 4HN.

TEL: 01382 384910
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