University of Dundee University of Dundee
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19 March 2007

Lord Turnbull presides over terrorism case

Photo opportunity: 6 pm, Tuesday March 20th,
Mooting Court Room (Room 4.08), Scrymgeour Building, Park Place (just up from Bonar Hall)

Lord Turnbull, one of the most senior judges in the country will visit the University of Dundee on Tuesday 20 March to preside over the final of the University of Dundee’s mooting competition.

Lord Turnbull is a graduate of the University of Dundee and the School of Law are delighted to have him preside on the bench. The moot involves the issue of the ability of the UK courts to extradite a foreign national living in the UK under a European Arrest Warrant to a foreign country which practices torture.

The finalists in the University of Dundee mooting competition will pit their wits against each other, arguing the merits of UK extradition legislation in front of one of Scotland’s most well known judges.

Law students, Allan Friel-Myles and John Mulholland will moot against fellow students, Amy Donachie and Hollie Dilasser on the right of an individual found in possession of suspect packages of fertiliser, flour and packets of nails to resist extradition pursuant to a European Arrest Warrant to a country which practices torture.

David Cabrelli, lecturer in the School of Law and organiser of the mooting competition said: "We are delighted to welcome Lord Turnbull to the School of Law. A competition like this is essential for our future lawyers to get their teeth into a controversial case which involves difficult questions of extradition law and human rights law. I’m sure that Lord Turnbull will have some extremely interesting points of reference and guidance for our students on this topic."

For media enquiries contact:

Anna Day
Press Office
University of Dundee
Nethergate Dundee, DD1 4HN
TEL: 01382 384768