University of Dundee University of Dundee
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16 May 2006

Masters Platform 2006

Three Dimensions - 3D modelling in the group visioning process
Angus Colvin, MDes

Visual Research Centre, DCA
Preview: Friday 19 May 2006, 6.00 - 8.00pm
Exhibition: Saturday 20th - Sunday 27th May 2006

Running concurrently with Dundee Degree Show 2006, Masters Platform offers the opportunity to see work from the previous year's Masters graduates Courses at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design. This year, Centrespace hosts a new research project by 2005 Master of Design graduate Angus Colvin.

The designer’s role is changing, from being the designer of things to being the designer of processes and ultimately becoming the facilitator of innovation itself. Designers are evolving from being individual authors of objects, to being facilitators of change among large groups of people. (Thackara, John. 2006)

Angus Colvin’s work focuses upon the need for the rapid development of a common understanding of roles, responsibilities and processes amongst members of small project teams in order to accelerate group development and produce more productive teams. Using three-dimensional "collaborative visualisation" methods developed by Colvin while studying for his Masters Degree, groups of individuals are able to construct models of their projects, making various aspects of these explicit and this is turn acts as a bonding experience for the group.

In the week leading up to the Preview, Colvin will be hosting a workshop in the VRC’s Centrespace which will run over a 2 day period. He will be working with a research group based in the University of Dundee’s School of Design, and they will develop a collaborative model specific to their project and personalities and this will reveal such things as relationships and roles within the group.

Included in the exhibition, which opens on 19th May will be two early three-dimensional team process models, images from the AHRC & EPSRC’s Designing for the 21st Century Initiative workshop held at The Lighthouse, Glasgow in 2005 as well as the full size collaborative model created by the University’s researchers in the workshop held in Centrespace.

The Masters programmes at the Graduate Centre, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, reflect a wide portfolio of visual disciplines including Electronic Imaging, Fine Art, Animation & Visualisation and Design.

The VRC is open to the public Monday to Friday 10.30am - 5.30pm plus Saturday and Sunday 12.30pm - 5.30pm.

Please contact Vicky Hale, Project Co-ordinator at the VRC for more information: 01382 388064 / or visit: