University of Dundee University of Dundee
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Court report

By Peter Evans

The Court had a full agenda at its meeting on 13 December, with finance and capital developments accounting for much of its deliberations.

Composition of the Court

In fulfilment of one of the recommendations of the recent Review of Court and Corporate Governance, the Court completed the internal procedures required to amend Statute 9 concerning the composition of the Court. Subject to the approval of the Privy Council, a leaner governing body of 23 members (reduced from the current 28) will come into effect from 2005/06.

Enhancement-Led Institutional Review

The Court received a report on the nature and outcome of the ELIR process to which the University had recently been subjected, including a copy of the initial response from the Quality Assurance Agency. The very positive tone of this letter included comment on the effective way in which academic staff, support services and students worked together to enhance the quality of the student experience. The relatively minor criticisms made included the need to improve the delivery of pastoral services to students outside the main campus, including distance-learning students.

Student Recruitment

Gordon Craig, Director of Admissions & Student Recruitment, gave a well-received presentation providing a comprehensive summary of the University's marketing strategy, as well as performance indicators including analyses by faculty. Issues discussed afterwards included the ramifications of increased promotion of second year entry schemes and, despite rising numbers of applicants, the need to produce attractive new course options in areas of strong competition.

Financial Position

In consideration of the report of the Finance & Policy Committee, reference was made to various uncertainties facing the University including: income and expenditure relating to the residences, the distribution to institutions of SHEFC grant (following the favourable outcome of the Spending Review) and SRIF 3 allocations. Discussion revolved to a large extent around the work being undertaken to ensure the achievement of surplus targets set by the Court to support the capital programme in the years ahead. It was noted that, while much had been done to improve income, it remained important to make the University operate more efficiently and this would be addressed at key meetings leading up to the next meeting of Court.

On the residences project it was indicated that construction costs had increased, although some disposal values might have been underestimated; also, the future of the conference and catering business was still unresolved. A full report on all aspects of the outsourcing deal would be made to the next meeting of the Committee. The Court approved the terms of a resolution regarding an essential property development loan of £42m, to be obtained by Dundee Student Villages from the Bank of Scotland.

The Court also approved Financial Statements for the University for the year ended 31 July 2004.

Capital Developments

The Court received proposals relating to a number of capital developments:

Institute for Medical Science & Technology

A plan was unveiled for the establishment of a facility for interdisciplinary research in medical technology, through the collaboration of relevant departments in the Universities of Dundee and St Andrews. The objective would be to research and exploit developments that were occurring at the interface between the biomedical and physical sciences. Total estimated costs were £2.1m, mainly for the purchase and fitting out of an existing shell building on the Medipark in Dundee, but substantial external funding was expected. The Court approved the project in principle subject to the submission of further detailed information.

Perth Royal Infirmary

A case was made for the development of a centre for teaching and research at PRI in partnership with NHS Tayside, which was seeking to transfer some acute care provision to Perth. For the University the project would provide access to greater numbers of patients for clinical trials and an increase in clinical placements for medical students - as well as raise the University's general profile in one of its natural catchment areas for student recruitment. Initial capital costs for the redevelopment of two hospital wards were estimated at £2.2m, with a proposed contribution from the University of £200k. The Court gave full approval for the project to proceed, including the commencement of a public fund-raising campaign in Perth.

Institute of Sport & Exercise

A business plan was presented for the financing of proposed improvements to sports facilities, at a total estimated cost of c. £9m, which had been approved in principle at the Court's meeting in June 2004. The Court established a sub-group to scrutinise the plan in detail.

Membership of Court

Carolyn Bain has been elected as a member of Court by the clerical, manual and technical staff of the University for the period 1 January 2005 - 31 July 2008. The Court bade farewell to Norma Stewart, who was relinquishing this position following promotion.

It was noted that the Nominations Committee would meet early in the new year to address an outstanding vacancy in the co-opted lay membership of the Court - and to give broader consideration to the recruitment of additional co-opted lay members needed for the restructuring of the Court from 2005/06.

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