University of Dundee University of Dundee
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Research Grants

Total research income this month: £22,748,618

Details provided below may vary as a number of awards are subject to confidentiality restrictions imposed by the awarding body.

Applied Computing

Dr N Alm: £66,594 from Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council for doctoral training grant.

Dr GPH Gregor & Prof AF Newell: £12,000 from The Leverhulme Trust for appointment of artist-in-residence (Ms M Morgan).

Miss L Gibson & Dr GPH Gregor: £3,000.

Mr I Martin & Dr SM Parkes: £6,807.

Dr SM Parkes: £56,309.

Biomedical Research Centre

Dr SM Keyse: £15,422 from Cancer Research UK for study of physiological functions for dual-specificity MAP kinase phosphatases (MKPs) in regulating the Ras/MAPK signalling pathway (PhD studentship).

Dr B McStay: £390,692 from Medical Research Council for a model system for studying genome organisation and function.

Dr G Smith & Prof CR Wolf: £12,500.

Centre for Clinical Innovations

Dr C Longbottom & Prof NB Pitts: £9,391.

Civil Engineering

Prof PA Davies: £53,377 from Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council for doctoral training grant.

Community Education

Mr I Fairweather: £20,000.

Community Health Sciences Division

Dr F Ansair, Prof P Davey, Ms A Johnston & Mrs L Scahill (NHS Tayside): £16,562 from EU Public Health Programme for European surveillance of antimicrobial consumption project.

Dr F Crawford, Prof T Fahey & Dr GP Leese (Medicine and Therapeutics): £50,797 from East of Scotland Primary Care Research Network (EASTREN) for study on prediction diabetic foot ulceration in primary care (EastRen collaborative project 561-05).

Prof IK Crombie, Prof P Davey, Dr PT Donnan, Dr JS Dowell, Dr GPH Gregor (Applied Computing), Dr MC Jones (Nursing & Midwifery), Mr TE Love, Prof IW Ricketts (Applied Computing), Prof FM Sullivan & Dr B Williams: £95,476 from Scottish Higher Education Funding Council for Scottish Clinical Interactions Project (SCIP) (joint with St Andrews University) (Strategic Research Development Grant - SRDG).

Prof T Fahey, Prof TM MacDonald (Medicine & Therapeutics) & Dr L Wei (Medicine & Therapeutics): £135,492 from Medical Research Council for study into the epidemiology of drug compliance, safety monitoring and outcome of cardiovascular drugs prescribed in primary care (Special Training Fellowship in HSR).

Dr PT Donnan & Prof AD Morris: £20,700.

Dental Health Services Research Unit

Dr DL Bonetti, Dr J Clarkson, Dr C Jackson (Community Health Sciences Division) & Mrs MC Pitkethly (Community Health Sciences Division): £14,812 from East of Scotland Primary Care research Network (EASTREN) for use of psychological theory to further and understanding of GP and GDP participation in primary care research.

Prof NB Pitts & Dr GVA Topping (Dental School): £3,755.80

Dental School

Dr CH Lloyd: £3,218 from Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council for doctoral training grant.

Dr S Manton & Mr S Turner (Community Health Sciences Division): £14,746 from East of Scotland Primary Care Research Network (EASTREN) for a survey of current policy and practice in assessment of oral health needs and risks in patients with learning disabilities.


Ms W Barrow, Mrs E Hannah, Dr DJ Jindal-Snape (Community Education), Mrs C Kerr & Mrs E Smith: £25,000.

Electronic Engineering and Physics

Prof AG Fitzgerald: £703.24.

Prof AG Fitzgerald: £522.50.


Dr J-A George: £1,700 from Carnegie Trust for Bahram Beyza'i's The Marionettes: a critical edition.

Prof GC Ward: £21,276.

Fine Art

Mr MN Dalziel & Ms L Scullion: £16,000.


Dr NR Fyfe & Dr AD Reeves: £1,780 from Carnegie Trust for study on policing the environment; examining different styles and strategies of environment enforcement in Scotland.

Maternal and Child Health Sciences

Prof R Hume & Dr FLR Williams (Community Health Sciences Division): £65,350 from Cerebra for a pilot study to inform a randomised controlled trial of iodine supplementation in preterm infants (joint with Erasmus Univeristy, University College Dublin and University of Madrid).

Prof RE Olver: £78,351 from The George John Livanos Charitable Trust for study of respiratory syncytial virus and pulmonary NA+ transport.

Prof JS Forsyth and Dr P Willatts (Psychology): £24,056.

Mechanical Engineering

Prof EW Abel: £36,910 from Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council for doctoral training grant.

Medicine and Therapeutics

Prof AS Anderson, Prof JJF Belch, Prof JS Forsyth (Maternal and Child Health Sciences) & Dr P Willatts: £94,032 from Scottish Higher Education Funding Council for feasibility study on Integrated Scottish Research Initiative on Seafood (joint with Universities of Stirling and St Andrews) (Strategic Research Development Grant - SRDG).

Prof AS Anderson & Prof RJC Steele (Surgery and ncology): £2,200 from Scottish Cancer Foundation for a review of lifestyle interventions used in successful disease prevention programmes (joint with University of Stirling).

Prof AS Anderson & Prof RJC Steele (Surgery and Oncology): £13,897 from Cancer Research UK for the development and evaluation of a family based intervention aimed at changing diet and physical activity in people at moderate to high risk of colorectal cancer (Studentship: Mr S Caswell).

Dr JI Davies, Prof AD Morris, Prof AD Struthers & Dr MD Witham: £34,463 from Diabetes UK for study into whether vitamin D improves markers of vascular health in type 2 diabetes.

Dr RS Dawe, Prof J Ferguson & Dr RMR Hearn: £12,803 from Chief Scientist Office for study to determine the skin cancer risk of narrow-band TL-01 UVB phototherapy.

Dr E Hendry: £74,950 from Ninewells Cancer Campaign for purchase of linear echoendoscope.

Prof MET McMurdo: £194,029 from Chief Scientist Office for double blind placebo controlled study of supplementation to reduce disability of undernourished older people after hospital discharge (joint with University of Glasgow and St George's Medical School, NSW, Australia).

Dr WL Wrieden: £18,810 (joint with Aberdeen and Glasgow Caledonian Universities).

Prof AS Anderson: £16,000.

Prof JJF Belch & Prof PA Stonebridge: £55,525.

Prof TM MacDonald: £50,700.

Dr RC Roberts: £9,255.

Dr RC Roberts: £6,475.

Pathology and Neuroscience

Prof MLJ Ashford: £69,825 from Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and Industrial Partner for investigation into the role of leptin, insulin and diet induced obesity on amyliodosis (CASE Studentship: Paul Meakin).

Dr A Baldacchino: £22,000 from European Commission for evaluation of information collected in FP5 project 'Drugs and Psychosis' (with St George's Hospital Medical School Division of Mental Health).

Prof DJK Balfour: £105,000 from Alzheimer's Research Trust for Dundee Alzheimer's Research Network (extension).

Prof DJK Balfour, Prof K Matthews: £357,168 from Wellcome Trust for study of exacerbation of nicotine dependence by unavoidable stress: a putative model for the role of depression in nicotine addiction (joint with University of St Andrews).

Prof DJK Balfour & Dr CA Stewart: £66,963 from Alzheimer's Research Trust for study of the role of stress in the biochemistry of Alzheimer's Disease (Studentship).

Dr CN Connolly: £71,625 from Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and Industrial Partner for study of the role of neuregulin on NMDA and GAGA(A) receptor trafficking which has implications to schizophrenia and epilepsy (CASE Studentship: MS SM Mizielinska).

Prof JH Cummings, Dr S Macfarlane, Prof GT Macfarlane & Dr N Reynolds (Medicine & Therapeutics): £228,151 from Chief Scientist Office for study of symbiotic treatment in Crohn's Disease patients.

Dr BG Frenguelli & Dr AJ Irving: £11,350 from International Brain Research Organisation to fund a research fellowship (Dr Farid Youssef).

Dr GA McLeod & Prof DJ Murphy (Maternal and Child Health Sciences): £12,097 from Obstetric Anaesthetists' Association for a randomised controlled trial of oxytocin 5iu versus oxytocin 5iu and 30io infusion for the control of blood loss at elective caesarean section (pilot study).

Dr D Belelli & Prof JJ Lambert: £66,292.


Dr LG Duncan: £859.13 from British Council for conference travel.

Dr F Sani: £166,281.04 from Economic and Social Research Council for study on perceiving collective continuity: social psychological implications (Fellowship).

Dr B Tatler: £10,665 from The Royal Society for study of object memory in a dynamic real world setting.

Dr RPG Van Gompel: £161,314.75 from Economic and Social Research Council for study of the effects of recent linguistic exposure for sentence priming in comprehension.


Dr N Laker: £7,827 from Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council for doctoral training grant.

School of Life Sciences

Prof DR Alessi: £64,893 from Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and Industrial Partner for study of the role and regulation of the LKB1 and AMPK signalling pathway (CASE Studentship: Mr BW Gregory).

Prof JJ Blow: £9,854 from Cancer Research UK for study of Mcm-associated proteins in normal and checkpointed cell division cycles (PhD studentship).

Prof JJ Blow: £27,457 from Cancer Research UK for molecular analysis of a potential 'licensing checkpoint' in human cells (PhD Studentship: Ms X Ge).

Prof JJ Blow & Prof CR Wolf (Biomedical Research Centre): £160,170 from Cancer Research UK for annual equipment allocation 05/06.

Prof Sir P Cohen: £36,605 from The Royal Society for a Royal Society Research Professorship.

Dr GN Elliott: £740 from Royal Society of Edinburgh for travel to Taiwan to visit collaborator's laboratory at National Kaohsiung Institute of Marine Technology.

Prof AH Fairlamb, Prof MAJ Ferguson, Prof JA Frearson, Prof IH Gilbert, Prof WN Hunter & Dr D Van Aalten: £8,100,000 from Wellcome Trust for drug discovery of tropical diseases study.

Prof MAJ Ferguson & Dr AW Nikolev: £136,436 from Wellcome Trust for study of the preparation of substrate analogues/potential inhibitors for GPI pathway -D-mannosyl transferase III in Tryanosoma brucei (joint with Russian Academy of Medical Sciences)

Dr AJ Flavell: £239,440 from EU Food Quality and Safety for BIOEXPLOIT.

Prof IH Gilbert: £118,564 from Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative for design and synthesis of potential agents for the treatment of African trypanosomiasis (joint with University of Glasgow and University of Parma).

Prof WN Hunter: £51,710 from Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and Industrial Partner for chemogenomics analysis of enzyme active sites in pathogenic organisms (CASE studentship: Mrs N Ramsden).

Prof EB Lane: £319,533 from Cancer Research UK for study of expression and function of the intermediate filament cytoskeleton in epithelial differentiation (Programme Grant).

Dr R Marquez: £54,825 from Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council for design of PDK1 inhibitors as molecular probes (Strategic research studentship: Mr SJ Hobson).

Dr IS Nathke: £61,884 from Cancer Research UK for PgC equipment pool 2005.

Dr IS Nathke: £268,725 from Cancer Research UK for study of cytoskeletal regulation by the Adenomatous Polyposis coli protein in colon cancer (Senior Cancer Research Fellowship).

Dr M Maroto: £596,459 from Medical Research Council for analysis of the molecular mechanism of cyclic notch signalling implicated in the machinery of the segmentation clock (Career Development Fellowship).

Dr GG Simpson: £262,352.66 from Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council for study of native RNA targets of a plant-specific RNA binding protein that controls Arabidopsis development.

Dr JR Swedlow: £398,636.61 from Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council for open image informatics software for biological microscopy.

Dr JR Swedlow: £59,545 from Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council for implementation of LSIDs in the open microscopy environment.

Prof C Tickle: £51,536 from Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland for study of the molecular code for digital anatomy (Studenship: Ms Laura McDonald).

Prof C Tickle: £54,376 from The Royal Society for study of pattern formation of invertebrate embryos with special reference to limbs (Foulerton Research Professorship).

School of Life Sciences: £648,500 from Wellcome Trust for five studentships in the Molecular and Cellular Biology PhD programme.

Prof CP Downes & Dr A Gray: £45,000.

Dr AJ Flavell: £6,612.

Dr C Halpin: £25,000.

Dr AR Prescott & Dr MA Spruce (Surgery & Oncology): £12,500.

Surgery and Oncology

Prof Sir DP Lane: £569,481 from Cancer Research UK for study on exploiting tumour suppressor gene pathways for therapy (year 6 renewal).

Prof AJ Munro: £52,135 from Ninewells Cancer Campaign for preliminary explorations of novel techniques for intraoperative brachytherapy.

Prof RJC Steele: £45,686 from Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council for doctoral training grant.

Dr S Brown & Ms FJ Carter: £15,255.25.

Dr BA Spruce: £30,000.

Prof RJC Steele & Prof AM Thompson: £100,000.

Television and Imaging

Mr N Johnson & Dr SJ McKenna (Applied Computing): £20,000.

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