University of Dundee University of Dundee
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Library services update

Do you use the University library? What do you think of the service provided? The library is inviting users a chance to provide feedback about the service and to identify what's good, what's bad, and what needs to be improved.

The library survey can be accessed at:

Everyone who completes a survey will be entered into a prize draw to win an iPod.

Before the start of the academic year, the library implemented a new computer system called Aleph. Aleph runs under Unix using Oracle databases, in line with other University systems such as SITS and the VLE. Ewan McCubbin from the library explains, "Searching for books and journals is now easier and more powerful. New services are also being introduced, including courtesy email notices to remind borrowers when their books are due back. New ways of searching records, for example by type of material, will also be available shortly."

The University's Graduates Council has purchased a CCTV magnifier - 'Tieman's Clearview Spectrum' for the main library. The magnifier enlarges text, images and handwriting from books and journals through a camera onto a 17" screen. It can also alter the colour of both the background and print. The equipment is designed for partially sighted users. Library staff can assist anyone who would like to use it.

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