University of Dundee University of Dundee
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e-learning advances

by Richard Parsons

a photo of elearning software

A landmark was reached recently when user statistics showed that Dundee Online Learning is now supporting over half of all modules at the University. Not only is the online environment, which includes the Blackboard VLE and Questionmark CAA systems, proving popular with staff and students, it is also yielding quantifiable improvements in teaching quality.

The VLE is a convenient and accessible location for providing information and resources to students, but it is also being used as a vehicle for including depth, assessment and innovation within modules. In Semester 2, the Learning Enhancement Unit will embark on a major survey to investigate student attitudes to e-learning; however, informal comments already received and the massive extent of student involvement indicate that the VLE has been a popular supplement to traditional teaching methods.

Staff can experience this teaching method first-hand themselves, because two very successful staff development modules are taught entirely online - Virtual Learning Environment - Online and Computer Aided Assessment - Online. These courses are set to be formally accredited through the Faculty of Education and Social Work. These courses run again in February and March 2004, and each lasts for five weeks, with one half to a day's work required each week. Enquiries about places should be directed to the new Staff Development Office within Human Resources.

There is evidence that Questionmark computer-aided assessment has resulted not only in greater assessment efficiency, but also in improvements in students' exam performance. As well as its increasing use for end-of-module assessments, particularly at level 1, the system can be used to provide formative tutorial-style assessments during the semester. Students can access these more than once and can obtain feedback on incorrect answers.

Where one department used this system to replace 'standard' tutorials, they found there was a significant positive effect on the end-of module exam marks. From the point of view of one member of the teaching team, the introduction of CAA allowed a greater range of question types to be asked and freed up time for targeted help to be given to students who were in difficulties with the subject material.

Commenting on Blackboard, Law student Gary Watson said, "This year Blackboard is far better than in previous years and all in all it is very useful. This year everything I needed to know about my courses, including course guides, assessments and past papers, was available on Blackboard just before semester started.

My only criticism is that it is difficult to print from, but more lecturers are uploading printer-friendly versions of documents, so that problem is diminishing. It is all down to the lecturer though, some need a gentle reminder to input information to the system!"

The future for the Online Learning Environment at Dundee continues to develop. In the coming months the LEU will join with Faculties, ITS, Library, ISIS and Registry to deploy a Learning and Teaching Student Portal with enhanced VLE links to personal library areas, personal records and archives of module materials. Already University of Dundee students benefit from single sign on to their VLE modules, online assessment and Groupwise webmail. These additional enhancements will ensure Dundee Online Learning becomes a 'one stop learning shop' with clear benefits for students and staff.

These advances in e-learning at Dundee are proving to be of great interest to other Universities. Members of the LEU e-learning team have been invited to give a number of presentations and seminars within the HE sector, and in February, Dr Richard Parsons will be travelling to San Diego in the USA where he has been invited to speak at the annual Questionmark conference.

For more information, particularly VLE and CAA web support:

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