eContact - coming soon

The last five years have seen an explosion in the popularity of electronic communication and more and more of us benefit from the convenience of email in our everyday lives. With that in mind, and to keep abreast of the latest in communications technology, the University is poised to launch an electronic version of Contact.

'eContact' has been designed to complement Contact as we currently know it. Without the space constraints of the magazine, eContact will enable the development of longer length features and will provide a platform for features about researchers and research projects from all faculties of the University. The ezine will also provide direct links to more information about the range of events happening throughout the University calendar, as well as the usual University news and events.

Everyone can sign up to receive the ezine and it is hoped that eContact will help to disseminate the latest news from the University to a much wider audience - all over the world.

Look out for the first issue of eContact in the New Year.

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