Research Grants

Total research income this month: £744,565

Applied Computing

Dr KJ Edwards: £200 from The Royal Society for conference grant.

Civil Engineering

Dr CQ Li: £2,976 from CEC Competitive and Sustainable Growth Programme for lifetime engineering of buildings and civil infrastructures (LIFETIME).

Dental School

Dr CH Lloyd, Dr SN Scrimgeour & Dr MR Jones (Civil Engineering): £14,188 from Chief Scientist Office for an investigation of the formulation, structure and properties of Portland-type cements that are suitable for dental restoration.

General Practice

Dr DA Bruce, Dr G Cruickshank, Dr A Dowie, Mr S MacGillivray (Epidemiology) & Prof K Matthews (Psychiatry): £27,526 from Chief Scientist Office for a cross sectional survey of patients prescribed long-term antidepressants in primary care.

Dr T Fahey, Dr PT Donnan, Prof FM Sullivan & Prof TM MacDonald (Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics): £7,200 from Medical Research Council for control of blood pressure in the community: collaborative group that aims to investigate patient, health professional and practice factors (joint with University of Bristol).


Dr G Lazaridis: £111,939 from CEC Improving Human Research Potential and Socio-Economic Knowledge Base for immigrants and ethnic minorities in European cities: life-courses and quality of life in a world of limitations (LIMITS).


Dr F Khan, Prof JJF Belch & Prof AD Struthers (Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics): £17,691 from National Heart Research Fund for the association between high urate levels, endothelial function and arterial stiffness in stoke survivors: effects of treatment with allopurinol.

Dr SR McEwan & Prof JJF Belch: £22,274 from Scottish Heart and Arterial Disease Risk Prevention for ten-year follow-up for the SHARP cardiovascular population study relating to morbidity and mortality data (extension).

Molecular & Cellular Pathology

Dr HH Dalziel: £2,200 from Peel Medical Research Trust for heat shock proteins as molecular markers of carcinogenesis in barretts oesophagus.

Pharmacology & Neuroscience

Dr AJ Irving & Dr J Harvey: £78,852 from The Cunningham Trust for leptin: a novel anti-epileptic agent?

Dr BG Frenguelli: £1,586,632 from Medical Research Council for the functions and neural mechanisms of the hippocampal formation in memory (joint with University of Edinburgh).

Dr AJ Irving: £70,848 from CEC Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources (QOL) for hypoxia/schemia and dynamic changes in neuronal morphology and function.

Photobiology Unit

Prof J Ferguson & Dr B Sanderson: £1,400,000 from DDS Medicines Research for drug-induced photosensitivity study work.


Dr LG Duncan: £1,875 from British Council for morphological processing and written word recognition during early reading acquisition: a cross-linguistic investigation of English and French.

Dr M Bennett & Dr F Sani: £28,126.02 from Economic and Social Research Council for a developmental investigation of stereotype variability.

Dr RPG Van Gompel: £4,104 from The British Academy for the time course of anaphoric processing.

School of Life Sciences

Dr KG Storey: £878 from British Council for alliance: Franco-British partnership programme 2003.

Dr DR Alessi: £50,000 from The Leverhulme Trust for Philip Leverhulme prize.

Dr IS Nathke: £70,000 from Cancer Research UK for deltavision microscope (equipment).

Prof GA Codd: £111,814 from CEC Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources (QOL) for toxic and other bioactive peptides in cyanobacteria (PEPCY).

Dr T Owen-Hughes: £43,800 from Wellcome Trust for biochemical characterisation of the effects of post-translational histone modifications on the function of ATP-dependent chromatin remodelling activities (studentship: Mr HC Ferreira).

Prof JJ Blow: £38,085 from Wellcome Trust for function and regulation of Cdt1/RLF-B (studentship: Mr A Ferenbach).

Social Work

Prof J Hogg: £69,624 from Mental Health Foundation. What leads carers to identify changes in emotional and mental well-being in young people with profound and multiple learning disabilities and how do they respond?

Surgery & Molecular Oncology

Mr AM Thompson, Prof RJC Steele, Dr NM Kernohan (Molecular & Cellular Pathology) & Dr TR Hupp (Molecular & Cellular Pathology): £15,000 from Chief Scientist Office for an investigation of the role of H1C1 and p53 function in human breast cancer (supplement).

Industrial Awards

Applied Computing
Dr GPH Gregor: £800
Dr GPH Gregor: £400
Dr GPH Gregor: £1,500
Dr GPH Gregor: £1,645

Civil Engineering
Prof A Vardy: £21,500
Dr TA Newson: £1,762.50
Prof RMW Horner: £1,270

Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Prof TM Macdonald: £286,406
Prof BJ Lipworth: £135,000
Prof TM MacDonald: £92,339
Prof P Davey: £58,750

Dental Health Services Research Unit
Prof NB Pitts: £243,016

Dental School
Dr CH Lloyd, Dr SN Scrimgeour, Dr MR Jones (Civil Engineering) & Dr JA Chudek (School of Life Sciences): £23,714

Prof J Ferguson: £1,400,000

Electronic Engineering & Physics
Prof AG Fitzgerald: £640
Prof AG Fitzgerald: £1,891.75
Prof AG Fitzgerald: £411.25
Prof AG Fitzgerald: £288.47

General Practice
Mr C McCowan, Mrs G Hoskins, Dr PT Donnan, Mr M Stewart & Prof IW Ricketts (Applied Computing): £479,072

Dr RC Roberts: £29,140
Dr WL Wrieden: £9,984
Dr WL Wrieden: £1,024
Dr AD Morris: £95,540

Prof DI Rowley: £15,000
Prof DI Rowley: £15,000
Prof DI Rowley: £15,000

Prof IC Reid: £809,563
Dr DR Coghill: £6,463

Surgery & Molecular Oncology
Prof Sir A Cuschieri & Dr T Frank: £42,731

Television & Imaging
Prof S Partridge: £75,000

Town & Regional Planning
Dr WM Edgar: £34,972

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