Online learning

The staff development course "computer aided assessment - online" (CAA) was successfully completed by 15 staff members in February. The course represents the first entirely online course and the first significant certificated course in the centre for learning and teaching’s new staff development programme.

The five week course, which was run online using Blackboard, saw staff work through a wide range of learning material. Participants completed 12 assignments including group exercises to prioritise aspects of CAA good practice; a self and peer based text assessment exercise; creating their own questions and assessment using QuestionMark Perception; downloading their student marks; analysing their question responses and discussing how their questions could have been improved based on feedback and statistics.

CLT’s Richard Parsons, who led the course, said, "We have all learned a good deal about online learning and addressed many pedagogical and technical issues. The course evaluation will prove very useful in informing our development of this and future online courses."

Academic secretary Ian Francis presented the participants with certificates at the final session of the CAA course.

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