New centre for nurses and midwives
The school of nursing and midwifery has taken its first big step to realise its dream of integrating nursing and midwifery teaching into a real University experience for its students. The school has moved its executive team and student services to refurbished offices in Airlie Place. At the heart of the city centre campus, the school wants to transfer its operations to the centre of the University to allow its students easy access to the sports institute, the students' union and other facilities that arts and science students enjoy.
David Muir, associate dean of the school said: "Now that all our student services are in Airlie Place - exams, admissions, student services - our students will be spending time on campus and will see what there is on offer. For too long our students have been educated in NHS accommodation and we are now investigating the possibility of conducting some of our teaching in the city centre campus."
The student services area is a large beautifully refurbished open-plan room which used to house Airlie Hall's refectory and kitchens. Eighteen staff have now moved into the room which will be the centre of all nursing and midwifery administrative activity in Airlie Place.
The school is also planning to move to closer integrating its support services with University central services. Now that they have achieved administrative proximity this process should be made easier.
Phase one of the refurbishment has seen numbers 15, 13, 11 and 9 Airlie Place transformed into spacious office accommodation for the school executive, research administration and new postgraduate studies. Phases twoand three will see the project move down into numbers 7, 5 and then 3 to accommodate all administration for the school and the institute for social dimensions of health - a partnership project between the universities of Dundee and St Andrews. Mike Sinclair of estates and buildings managed the successful refurbishment project.
Caption - Anna Best, school receptionist in the new entrance to the Airlie Place centre.
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