Unnatural Wonders

An exhibition of work by Mark Wright in the Tower Foyer Gallery, University of Dundee

18 January - 23 March 2013

view of the Unnatural Wonders exhibition

Left to right: Cluster (214x214cm), Division (183x213cm), Night Vision (220x196cm)

Mark Wright’s paintings draw on visual imagery sourced from organic structures and forms, exploring ideas of visual perception and concepts of beauty. Mark is a Lecturer in Fine Art at Loughborough University and has exhibited widely in the UK and internationally.

The works shown here are painted in oil using a variety of methods that deliberately draw attention to the painted surface. This removes them from the photographic imagery that inspired them, although in creating them Mark makes use of visual devices associated with photography such as blurred movement and depth of focus. There is also a deliberate ambiguity to the scale of the motifs in some of the paintings.

This is one of a series of exhibitions inspired by the University’s first professor of biology, D’Arcy Thompson. Visit the main exhibition site for more details of concurrent displays. 

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