Physiology was first taught at University College, Dundee by the Professor of Biology D'Arcy Thompson.
As part of his campaign to found a Medical School in Dundee, D'Arcy invited the noted physiologist John Scott Haldane to establish a laboratory in his department. Haldane's ground-breaking work on the quality of air in slum houses (conducted in collaboration with the Professor of Chemistry Thomas Carnelley) attracted consideration attention and won the support of the local medical profession.
A fund-raising campaign led to Chairs of Anatomy and Physiology being endowed in 1888-89, and Edward Waymouth Reid was appointed Professor of Physiology and later Dean of the Medical School.
Physiology remained a separate department until 1999 when it was merged with Biochemistry, and currently forms part of the Division of Molecular Physiology, College of Life Sciences.
Shown on this page is a selection of instruments from the Physiology Collection.
Prof Waymouth Reid
(Archive Services)
Left: Volume meter for measuring carbon dioxide breathed out by test subject, c.1950s (DUNUC 3814)
Centre: Oxygen Mask with Microphone, c.1950 (DUNUC 3876)
Right: King Thermanester, a form of ether inhaler used in anaesthesia, c.1930s-40s (DUNUC 3820)
Left: Fore-arm Plesythmagraph, for measuring flow of blood to subject's arm, c.1970s-80s (DUNUC 3816)
Right: Algometer for measuring pain threshold, c.1890s-1900s (DUNUC 4225)
Left: Instrument for locating the blind spot on the retina, c.1900s (DUNUC 4221)
Centre: Stereo mirror apparatus for optical tests, c.1930s-50s (DUNUC 4228)
Right: Teaching model of the eye showing muscle attachment, c.1890s (DUNUC 9210)
Left: Haldane Portable Carbon Dioxide Apparatus for measuring air quality, c.1930s (DUNUC 3504)
Right: pH Comparator Case with colour solutions, c.1930s (DUNUC 3821)