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Archived exhibition

The Museum of Loss and Renewal: object Becomes SUBJECT

The Museum of Loss and Renewal: Object becomes Subject

14 November – 27 November

Tracy Mackenna and Edwin Janssen

In collaboration with The Highland Hospice

Public Seminar: 22 November, 2pm (booking essential:
With Dr Paul O’Neill (curator, artist and writer) and Prof Arnd Schneider (social anthropologist) exploring notions of duration and context specificity in The Museum of Loss and Renewal project.

The Museum of Loss and Renewal: object Becomes SUBJECT Public Seminar: 25 November, 10.30am (booking essential:
With Dr David Reilly (doctor, educator and researcher) focusing on the relationship between art practice, creative change and human healing.

The Museum of Loss and Renewal focuses on the interrelationships between death, memory, material culture and recycling. Through a period of engagement with The Highland Hospice charity shops Tracy Mackenna and Edwin Janssen are investigating issues recurrent in their work; the value and significance of objects, life and death, and artist-led curatorial practice. By re-using and re-presenting material as still-life they invite reflection on the value we place on the ‘things’ with which we surround ourselves.

The Museum of Loss and Renewal: object Becomes SUBJECT The project will feature another in Tracy Mackenna and Edwin Janssen’s ongoing series of public studios, enabling the making of artwork in a live situation with direct engagement by a range of publics, arising out of conversation and participation in public discursive events.

Tracy and Edwin on Facebook...

Tracy and Edwin on Twitter...

Image: Forces of Attraction and Repulsion, The Museum of Loss and Renewal, 2011, Tracy Mackenna and Edwin Janssen


Tracy will be updating on the progress of conversations and research happening in their Public Studio (12 - 4.30pm Monday - Friday, Centrespace, VRC). Everyone is welcome to drop in and strike up a conversation and there is an excellent selection of reference books on display as well as the exhibition.


The Museum of Loss and Renewal: object Becomes SUBJECT The temporary public studio for the fusion of exhibition, production, education and research is up and running. Conversation raging on the interrelationships between death, memory, material culture and recycling. Sessions with students well under way, prodding and provoking issues including the value of stuff and curatorial positions. Blue-skies thrash with GSA's Dr Ken Neil on the impact on art education, by situating it at the heart of our practice. All welcome to hold discussions on related talks in The Museum of Loss and Renewal at Centrespace.