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Archived exhibition

Decision Time

Decision Time is an exhibition with art works, performances, talks and dialogues exploring decision-making in the context of the Scottish Referendum on independence.

As time has progressed towards the referendum people are engaged and debate abounds. When striving for objective knowledge to evaluate and base our decisions on, we are confronted with subjective reasoning, hopes and fears.

Decision Time brings together works that explore, often playfully, individual processes, reflections and conclusions. Just like other members of the public, artists have researched, expressed their preferences, beliefs, feelings, affiliations, confusions and decisions.

The exhibition exists in the week before the historic referendum on Scottish independence takes place.

The show is not party political, although there are different views expressed in some of the works. Decision Time is a celebration of the process of choosing, the act of deciding and the possible consequences of those choices at this moment in Scotland.

For further information on the programmed performances, talks and events over the weekend of 12-14th September please visit:

Participating artists include:

Mohammad Ali, Jonathan Baxter, Anton Beaver, Alan Brown, Joe Coghill, Calum Colvin, Amelia Crouch, Dalziel + Scullion, Gair Dunlop, Zoë Irvine, Nigel Johnson, Richard Layzell, James S Lee, Donna Leishman + DJ Nord, Mary Modeen, Rebecca Milling, Tracy Mackenna + Edwin Janssen, Lindsay Perth, Ashley Russell, Carolyn Scott + Andy Sim, Carol Sinclair, Liz Skulina, Pernille Spence, Iain Sturrock, Edward Summerton, Alana Tyson, Kim Walker, Mark Wallace, Arthur Watson, Kathy Watts, Jack Webb, Lada Wilson.

Decision Time daily opening times at Centrespace:

Saturday 13th September 10am – 6pm

Sunday 14th September 10am – 9pm

Monday 15th September 10am – 6pm

Tuesday 16th September 10am – 6pm

Wednesday 17th September 10am – 6pm

Thursday 18th September 10am – 6pm

Decision Time was curated by Zoë Irvine & Pernille Spence, DJCAD, in collaboration with 5 Million Questions at the University of Dundee

Centrespace within Visual Research Centre is part of Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design and is located on the lower floors of Dundee Contemporary Arts, 152 Nethergate, Dundee, DD1 4DY.