Archived exhibition
Date: 1 April 2011 - 31 July 2011
Gallery: Centrespace
The Centre for Artists' Books ReLaunch Project
Preview Event with live performances: Friday 29 April, 5 - 8pm
Curators’ Tour with live performances: Saturday 21 May, 11.30 – 1pm
Closing Event with live performances: Friday 27 May, 6-8pm
30 April - 29 May
Co-curated by Exhibitions and artist David Faithfull.
cabin:codex showcases over 100 Artists’ Books and multiples selected from the collection of Centre for Artists’ Books’ at Visual Research Centre, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design. The exhibition considers two inter-related but opposing ‘landscape’ themes; the Urban and the Feral. The books are presented as an open display and are available for handling by gallery visitors; this refreshingly immediate experience celebrates the artists’ intentions in adopting the non-hierarchical visual and tactile format of the Artists’ Books.
Selected works from the CAB collection by artists including:
Christian Boltanski, Ulises Carrion, Alec Finlay, Hamish Foulton, Andy Goldsworthy, Richard Hamilton, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Sol Le Witt, Richard Long, Hans Waanders, Bruce McLean, Toby Paterson, David Shrigley, Lawrence Weiner, Weproductions and more.
The exhibition also includes a newly commissioned book TENT by Paul Noble. We have now sold out of the main production run of this publication but are hoping to release the final copies for sale to individuals and collections very soon. Please contact Exhibitions by email with any enquiries.
A programme of live works responding to the notions of book and reading includes new works by Nina Chua, Dave Fyans, Zoe Irvine + Pernille Spence, Catherine Street, and Yuck ‘n Yum Presents.