University of Dundee University of Dundee
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30 September 2004

Geddes helps forge new links with Montpellier

In recognition of the 150th anniversary of the birth of "the father of town planning", Sir Patrick Geddes, the University of Dundee and the French town of Montpellier, where Geddes founded the Scots College, are forging new links. Tomorrow Sir Alan Langlands, University of Dundee Principal and Vice-Chancellor will be welcomed in Montpellier to celebrate the completion of a restoration project of the Geddes Gardens at the Scots College, Montpellier, Southern France.

Geddes, spent nearly 30 years as Professor of Botany at University College Dundee from 1888. During this time he laid out gardens within the University’s grounds, before embarking on his long dreamed project of founding Scots College and gardens in Montpellier in 1924. As a lecturer he had a reputation as an inspirational and sometimes maddening teacher who often spurned lecture theatre and curriculum, taking his students to learn, literally, in the field - or the gardens.

Geddes hoped to revive the tradition of academic exchange between Scotland and France and many students from abroad chose to pursue their learning in Geddes’ building surrounded by his remarkable gardens.

The unveiling of the project to restore four sections of the Scots College gardens, as originally laid out by Geddes, marks the centenary of the Entente Cordiale that ended a history overshadowed by conflict and rivalry to a sustained era of alliance. In timely fashion the completion of the gardens also celebrates 700 years of the Auld Alliance between Scotland and France.

The Association France-Eccosse, in collaboration with the Rectorat de l'Academie de Montpellier and the Scottish Executive organised the restoration project that furthers the important Geddes link between the University of Dundee and Montpellier.

The University of Dundee is drawing upon its Geddes connection with Montpellier to explore academic links with the University Paul Valery, Montpellier during Sir Alan’s visit, including the possibility of student exchange programmes as well as research links with Dundee University’s Geddes Institute of town and regional planning.

Sir Alan Langlands said, "It is a great step forward on the 150th anniversary of Geddes birth to restore and re-energise the Geddes links between Montpellier and the University of Dundee. This is not only the beginning of a flourishing garden but also, we hope a flourishing relationship."

By Angela Durcan, Press Officer 01382 344910, out of hours: 07968298585,