2 September 2003

A world with concrete

Photo opportunity 8.45am, Wednesday 3rd September, Tower Reception, University of Dundee.

A celebration of concrete starts tomorrow at the University of Dundee recognising the contribution of this invaluable building material and its champions to our modern world.

Professor Ravi Dhir, Head of the Concrete Technology Unit at the University of Dundeesaid: "Concrete has had a major influence on shaping civilization from villages, towns and cities to roads, bridges, tunnels and marine structures. We are delighted to host this important celebration in Dundeeand welcome the three most important practioners in our field to share their expertise with our international audience."

The Concrete Technology Unit at the University of Dundeeis holding a series of two-day international symposia to recognise the legendary achievements of the world's most poplar construction material and of those people who have made a significant contribution in the development of concrete.

The three concrete pioneers who will be honoured and who will give keynote addresses to the 260 delegates are: Professor Fred Glassner from the University of Aberdeen who will address Future Directions in the Cement Industry, Professor Surendra Shah from Northwest University USA who will discuss Role of cracks on strength, ductility and durability and Professor Jiri Strasky from the Technical University of Brno in the Czech Republic who will look at Concrete Bridges: past, present and future.

By Jenny Marra, Head of Press 01382 344910 j.m.marra@dundee.ac.uk