19 September 2001

New nursing degree

photo opportunity 4pm, Thursday 20 September, McGillivray Centre Aberdeen Maternity Hospital.

Thirteen nurses gather today to launch a new Bachelor of Nursing Degree designed by the University of Dundee and Grampian University Hospitals NHS Trust.

The aim of this degree programme is to enable newly registered practitioners to develop their competence, knowledge and confidence in a supportive environment whilst providing accredited professional development opportunities. It provides employers with the opportunity to plan and manage the induction and orientation of newly registered practitioners.

Bill Bruce of the School of Nursing and Midwifery said: "The collaboration between the University of Dundee and Grampian University Hospital Trust has resulted in a programme of study for newly registered practitioners that fits their practice development needs as well as enhancing their academic skills. Equal value has been placed on the contribution of practitioners and academics - an excellent balance for this type of programme."

Keynote presentations include Jane Ormerod, Senior Nurse Professional Development, Grampian University Hospitals NHS Trust and Lexy Tulloch, Senior Lecturer, University of Dundee, School of Nursing and Midwifery.ENDS

Bill Bruce, University of Dundee, School of Nursing and Midwifery on 01382 632304
Jane Ormerod, Grampian University Hospitals NHS Trust on 01224 559367