21 October 2003

University of Dundee inter-faith conference

Photo opportunity: 7.20pm, Wednesday 22 October, Reverend Ashley Cummins and guest speakers, University of Dundee Chaplaincy Centre, Cross Row, Dundee.

A University of Dundee conference to be held tomorrow (Wednesday 22 October) will bring together experts from Christianity, Judaism and Islam to encourage dialogue and understanding between the different faiths.

Offering Hope to the World will feature talks from Mark Solomon (Rabbi, The Liberal Jewish Synagogue, London), Duncan Forrester (Professor Emeritus, University of Edinburgh), and Amanullah De Sondy (Research Fellow, University of Glasgow).

Conference organiser and University of Dundee Anglican Chaplain Ashley Cummins said, "While religions are often associated with some of the world’s more intractable problems, they generally claim to have a positive contribution to make. Unfortunately, this positive contribution is all too often seen in terms of saving people from the world rather than offering hope to the world.

It is my conviction that, for there to be genuine hope, the different faith traditions will need a sense - not of complete theoretical agreement - but of common purpose. The first step is always for people from different backgrounds to listen to each other. This event is designed to do just that."

The conference will take place at the University of Dundee’s Chaplaincy Centre, Cross Row, Dundee.

For further information contact Reverend Ashley Cummins on 01382 344158 or Jacqui Robertson on 01382 344157.

By Esther Black, Press Officer 01382 344768 e.z.black@dundee.ac.uk