23 October 2003

Education project evaluated

The work of a Dundee project aimed at providing support for children and parents during pupils’ transition to secondary school will be showcased at a conference in London today (Thursday 23 October) at The Charity Centre.

Dr Suzanne Zeedyk from the University of Dundee’s Department of Psychology, and Marji Henderson, Coordinator of Quality Contact will give a presentation on Dundee’s Quality Contact project: The Challenges of introducing And evaluating a transition support programme.

Dr Zeedyk has been evaluating specific aspects of the project using questionnaires alongside regular discussions with pupils, with very positive findings.

Marji Henderson said, "This is a great opportunity to share our experiences within Dundee City Council with other professionals. I am looking forward to learning from other colleagues with different experiences and hope that this presentation will encourage and inspire others to set up similar programmes."

The Quality Contact Project was established in 1998 to give children in P7 and S1 a wide range of educational and social experiences in school and the community. In 2001 it transferred from Dundee City Council’s Neighbourhood Resources Department to the Education Department. It is now known as Quality Contact and is funded by the Education Department rather than external bodies.

Since 1998, staff have worked with over 1000 young people, 23 primary schools, 100 external agencies and five high schools.

The national conference in London is on the theme of support for children and parents during transition to secondary school.

By Esther Black, Press Officer 01382 344768 e.z.black@dundee.ac.uk