26 October 2003

DJCAD welcomes potential students

Photo opportunity: 11am, Monday 27 October, pupils and students view The Portfolio Show, Upper and Lower Foyers, DJCAD, University of Dundee.

Hundreds of secondary school pupils will visit Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, University of Dundee, this week for a taster of life at one of the UK’s leading art institutions.

Over 1350 S5 and S6 pupils from secondary schools across Scotland have booked places - over 100 more than last year - confirming DJCAD’s growing reputation as an innovating, advanced art school offering the very best in teaching and facilities.

The DJCAD visit days are on:
Monday 27 October 9.30am - 4pm
Tuesday 28 October 9.30am - 2pm
Wednesday 29 October 9.30am - 2pm

Current students from DJCAD will give the pre-booked groups of pupils 90-minute guided tours of the Schools of Fine Art, Design, and Television & Imaging. They will be able to see first-hand the quality of facilities such as the newly-equipped studios that Innovative Product Design and Interactive Media Design students work in, the Time-Based Art studios and Sculpture workshops.

Visitors will view an exhibition of successful portfolios from previous years to demonstrate the standard and quality of entrants’ work. The Portfolio Show in the Upper and Lower Foyers (open to the public October 27 until November 6) is a great opportunity to see a diverse range of work.

They will also view Observations 2 in the Matthew Gallery (open to the public now until November 11), an exhibition of photographs and installations by four artists associated with DJCAD’s School of Design and Dundee College’s Department of Art & Design.

By Esther Black, Press Officer 01382 344768 e.z.black@dundee.ac.uk