5 October 2001

Homelessness among women is growing

University of Dundee Press Release jointly with The Policy Press

Homelessness among women is growing but remains a hidden problem, new research reveals

A book published today presents new evidence on the nature and causes of homelessness among women in Europe. The study found that homelessness among women of all ages and backgrounds is increasing, particularly among young single women and women from ethnic backgrounds. It also found that, while a significant number of homeless women are roofless, most female homelessness remains hidden.

The book, which reviews research evidence on homelessness compiled for the 15 member states of the European Union over the past 18 months, reveals that:

Joe Doherty, Director of the Joint Centre for Scottish Housing Research and co-editor of the book says:

"Reflecting profound changes in the demographic and social structures of most European societies, in particular the retreat from the nuclear family, women's access to housing now depends less on the 'protection' offered by a male breadwinner. Increasingly, it depends on their capacity to access resources directly through work or welfare benefits in order to form and maintain an independent household. For those women trapped in poorly paid and insecure employment, access to such resources is increasingly problematic.

The findings of this book demonstrate that there is a pressing need for governments and other welfare agencies to step up provision for women-oriented services to meet the increasing demand, not only from women fleeing domestic violence and for young single mothers, but also those women whose precarious position in the housing and labour markets makes them increasingly vulnerable to homelessness".

1. Women and homelessness in Europe: Pathways, services and experiences edited by Bill Edgar and Joe Doherty is published by The Policy Press in association with FEANTSA. Bill Edgar and Joe Doherty are Directors of the Joint Centre for Scottish Housing Research at the Universities of Dundee and St Andrews, Scotland.

2. The book is available from:
Marston Book Services, PO Box 269, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4YN. Tel: +44 (0)1235-465500 or Fax: +44 (0)1235-465556 or E-mail:direct.orders@marston.co.uk. Price £15.99 (plus £2.50 postage and packing).

3. For further information and a review copy, please contact:
Helen Bolton at The Policy Press on Tel: +44 (0)117 954 6802 (Email:helen.bolton@bristol.ac.uk)

4. For further information, please contact:
Bill Edgar on Tel: +44 (0)1382 345 238
Joe Doherty on Tel: +44 (0)1334 463 911
(Email: jd@st-andrews.ac.uk)
Freek Spinnewijn on Tel +32(0)25386669
Carol Pope, University Press Office, University of Dundee on Tel: +44 (0)1382 344021
(Email: c.l.e.pope@dundee.ac.uk and www.dundee.ac.uk/news/)

5. About FEANTSA
In 1991, FEANTSA (European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless) set up The European Observatory on Homelessness to conduct research into homelessness in Europe. The Observatory is composed of a network of national correspondents who conduct research on homelessness and housing policy in European Union member states.

Drawing on the national reports of the correspondents, this book and its companion publications, Support and housing in Europe: Tackling social exclusion in the European Union and Services for homeless people: Innovation and change in the European Union provide a wealth of material on policy and practice throughout Europe. Together they offer a transnational and comparative analysis of current themes and concerns.

FEANTSA, which is largely funded by the European Commission, supports financially the work of the European Observatory on Homelessness.

For more information on FEANTSA and the work of the Observatory, please visit the web site (http://www.feantsa.org).