22 May 2003

National award for midwife

a photo of Esther Culpin

A postgraduate midwifery student at the University of Dundee scooped a national scholarship during national breastfeeding week based on her experience offering a 24 hour helpline to breastfeeding mothers.

Esther Culpin is a volunteer breast feeding counsellor with the international organisation  La Leche League and has been offering mothers in Fife phone advice any hour of the day for eight years. She is now studying for a masters degree in midwifery at the University of Dundee and has been awarded an educational bursary for £1,000 from the Iolanthe Midwifery Trust to complete her studies.

Professor Sheila Hunt, Dean of the School of Nursing and Midwifery at the University of Dundee said: "I am delighted that Esther has been successful in achieving such a prestigious award from the Iolanthe Midwifery Trust. I am sure that Esther's work in this very important area will make a real difference to mothers and their babies."

Esther will be presented with her award at the 20th anniversary seminar of the Iolanthe Midwifery Trust at St Thomas's Hospital in London on Wednesday 4th June.

By Jenny Marra, Head of Press 01382 344910 j.m.marra@dundee.ac.uk