21 May 2003

On God and Goodness

Photo/media opportunity 4.45pm, Tuesday 27 May, University of Dundee Chaplaincy Centre, Cross Row, Dundee.

Professor Trevor Hart from the University of St Andrews School of Divinity will explore religious vision and moral capacity in the annual Margaret Harris public lecture on religion at the University of Dundee on Tuesday 27 May.

Trevor Hart is Professor of Divinity and Principal of St Mary's College at the University of St Andrews. He has published widely in systematic and historical theology.

The University of Dundee chaplain Rev Dr Fiona Douglas said: "The annual Margaret Harris lecture is a landmark event in the University calendar. Trevor Hart is an esteemed theologian and we are very much looking forward to his insights into the human capacity for moral thinking in the 21st century.

The Margaret Harris lecture on religion has been an annual University event since 1965. Past lecturers have included many eminent names from the field of religion and philosophy including Sir Kenneth Dover, Rabbi Julia Neuberger and Sir Jonathon Porritt and Terry Waite. The annual Margaret Harris lecture entitled "On God and Goodness" will take place at 5.15pm in the University,s Chaplaincy Centre. The lecture is free and is open to the public.

By Jenny Marra, Head of Press 01382 344910 j.m.marra@dundee.ac.uk