9 May 2001

Saturday Art

photo of Saturday am classes

The University of Dundee's School of Fine Art at Duncan of Jordanstone College is running a fine-art portfolio class for school pupils preparing to apply to art school. The part-time course allows school pupils to work on their portfolio while continuing their studies at school.

The course, comprising a 25 week structured programme, will cover central skills such as object and life drawing in custom built studios with professional models, teaching of painting skills in a variety of media by practising artists, and a contextual framework for study through visits to college exhibitions and Dundee Contemporary Arts. Advice on workbook and sketchbook development coupled with tips on the presentation of portfolios will be central to the course.

This year's course has been very successful. Pupils have enjoyed the quiet and relaxed atmosphere of the college at weekends and have just completed their folios for submission to art schools around the country. The portfolio course has a strong reputation, with pupils securing places at various art schools every year.

Duncan of Jordanstone's spacious and well equipped drawing studios provide an ideal setting for pupils thinking about the transition from school to University.

Classes will run from 9.30am to 12.30pm on Saturday mornings for 25 weeks commencing 2 September and running through until 11 March. Classes may be held in alternative locations such as the Botanic Garden or Discovery Quay.

Selection for the class will be by submission of a portfolio of recent examples of drawing and painting.

The fee for the series of 25 x 3 hour classes is £150. Applications should be received by 23 June 2001. Enrolment forms are available from Irene Miller School of Fine Art Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design perth Road Dundee DD1 4HT email i.miller@dundee.ac.ukENDS

Contact Cherry White 01382 345226