20 March 2001

Science in the concourse

Photo opportunity 2pm Wednesday 21 March, Ninewells concourse.

The applied computing department at the University of Dundee is displaying up to the minute research and innovations in the concourse at Ninewells over the next three days as part of National Science Week.

Interactive memory aids for elderly and memory-impaired people will be demonstrated by students to give the public a taste of the type of useful technology that is being developed at the University of Dundee. Other innovations include a device for gesture recognition and imaging techniques for tumour detection in organs such as the breast.

Organiser Janet Hughes of the applied computing department said: "Our aim is to foster understanding of the use of computers in a range of healthcare situations and research. Promoting the public understanding of science is the aim of the stalls."

Students Jennifer Simpson, Stuart Kerrigan, Niall Murdoch, Kris Jack, and Laura Walker from the University research groups Healthcare Computing and Interactive Communication Systems for Disabled People will be demonstrating the technology.

Professor Ian Ricketts leads the Healthcare Computing Research Group: "In collaboration with medical and dental colleagues this research group is advancing the frontiers in clinical decision support. Working with colleagues in Intensive Care and Speech and Language Therapy, we are developing a communication device for patients recovering in intensive care units. We have taken part in major studies of child growth, the clinical management of cystic fibrosis, the linkage between asthma and poor growth and have identified novel approaches to automating the visual inspection of both cervical smears and breast x-ray images.

Much of the research on display will form an integral part of the Queen Mother Centenary Research Centre, the University of Dundee's latest project which is currently under planning.

An estimated 15,000 people are expected to view the stalls as they pass through the concourse from 14.00 - 17.00 on Tuesday 20, Wednesday 21 and Thursday 22 March.ENDS

Contact Janet Hughes 01382 345195