8 March 2001

New Undergraduate Nursing and Midwifery Degrees

The School of Nursing and Midwifery at the University of Dundee is launching new nursing and midwifery degrees which signals equal status for the study of nursing and midwifery within Universities.

Welcoming the Scottish Executive's announcement that they will fund nursing and midwifery degrees, Director of Pre-registration Nursing and Midwifery Education Dr John S Drummond explained that the benefits for nursing and midwifery students and health care for the future are immense.

"When nursing and midwifery moved into higher education the highest qualification at pre registration was a diploma. Although the diploma level qualification will still be available for nursing and midwifery, this new degree is a major step forward for the two professions. It puts our students on an equal footing with other students in the University. They can now pursue post graduate and research work, raising the standards of nursing and midwifery professionals and the knowledge base of the profession.

Students undertaking the degree pathway will not pay any fees and will receive a full non means-tested bursary identical to the diploma students. Intakes to this new programme will be in October 2001 and January 2002.

Contact Dr John S Drummond 01382 632304 or email j.s.drummond@dundee.ac.uk