4 June 2003

Bursary for Geographers

Two Geography students from the University of Dundee have won a travel bursary to help fund a field trip to Iceland this summer.

Claire Shearer and Louise Tattersall will travel to North East Iceland in July to undertake a joint fieldwork project in the Asbyrgi Canyonrelating to rare, massive floods, known as megafloods, caused by the melting of ice-caps by volcanic eruptions. The research will form the basis of their Honours dissertations.

Swindon-based company Zurich Financial Services, who operate the Zurich Cares Governor Award Scheme, have put £200 towards the students' traveling costs.

Louise said, "The trip will be relatively expensive and this additional funding will help a lot with the overall cost. The trip will advance our understanding of megafloods and so will be invaluable experience for us."

By Jane Smernicki, Press Officer 01382 344768 j.m.smernicki@dundee.ac.uk