11 June 2003

Discovering degrees

a photo of wider access study group

Photo/media opportunity 1pm, Thursday 12 June, Tower Extension Lecture Theatre, Tower Building, University of Dundee.

The difficulty of deciding if University is the right choice is being addressed at the University of Dundee this week as school pupils embark on a four day taster course of real University life.

Nearly 100 pupils from a variety of secondary schools in Dundee, Fife, Angus and Perth and Kinross will visit the University of Dundee for a four-day taster of university life. These pupils ages range from S2 right up to S6, and they will take part in activities across the spectrum of the University.

Dr John Blicharski, Director of the Wider Access Study Centre explained: "We recognise that deciding whether or not to go to University is increasingly difficult for young people. The array of subject choices and the issue of student finance can be particularly daunting and bewildering. Discovering Degrees for School Pupils offers pupils a valuable "taster" insight into what University is all about so they can make more informed choices in the future, about their future."

This year, the 4-day course includes participating in 'hands-on' student skills classes; visiting student facilities such as the Library and the Students' Union; experiencing a range of subjects including Physics, Engineering, Computing, Philosophy, History, English, Chemistry and Nursing through interactive workshops and discussions held by teaching staff from the various departments.

The University will host a question and answer session where a panel of experts in the fields of student finance and admission procedure will be on hand to respond to the pupils' queries.

The pupils will be presented with their completion certificates in the Tower Extension Lecture Theatre by the University's Vice Principal Professor James Calderhead on Thursday 12 June to mark the end of their taster course.

By Jenny Marra, Head of Press 01382 344910 j.m.marra@dundee.ac.uk