13 June 2003

Community Arts Project

Art work created during a year long arts project by students at the University of Dundee's Faculty of Education & Social Work will go on display tomorrow, June 14, at the Gardyne Road campus.

The purpose of the Community Arts project, run by the faculty's Elinor Vettraino, Linda Walker and Kate Martin, was to encourage cohesive links between the three disciplines in the faculty Community Education, Primary Education and Social Work.

The project, which was focused on the theme of "community", was also intended to help students develop and strengthen their evaluative practice. A longer term goal of the project over coming years is to provide opportunities for students to develop programmes of work with the specific community groups related to their particular course.

Lecturer in Expressive Arts Elinor Vettraino said, "This art and design community-based project is an innovative step towards creating a truly collaborative working environment. We have been extremely pleased with the level of participation and students have made good use of a conference web site I we set up to allow them to communicate while away from campus.

"The exhibition is a great way of honouring the time and commitment they have given to the project."

The exhibition opens on Saturday in the Bowes Lyon Hall, Gardyne Road campus.

For more information, contact Elinor on 01382 464330.

By Jane Smernicki, Press Officer 01382 344768 j.m.smernicki@dundee.ac.uk