25 June 2001

Special Sketches

photo of sketches

Pencil sketches by Thomas Gainsborough and Dante Gabriel Rossetti are to go on display on Tuesday 26 June at the University of Dundee in a new exhibition called "Life Lines". Some of the University's most simple but delightful works of art will be on show in the University Library.

Exhibits include pastel drawings by Archibald Skirving and Frederick Leighton, and original Punch cartoons by Bernard Partridge and Sir John Tenniel. The exhibition will be complemented by a changing selection of some of the most attractive illustrated books from the library's own collections, featuring the work of Arthur Rackham, Walter Crane and many others.

Matthew Jarron, curator of the museums collection said: " It is great that some of the less well known and small intimate portraits are on display. Many of these display as much talent as the grander works in our collection. The exhibition is well worth a visit."

The exhibition will run from 26 June until 26 October, and during the summer vacation the library is open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm (8pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays).

Contact Matthew Jarron 01382 344310