7 June 2001

Unique exhibition in Dundee Age Concern

photo opportunity 10am Friday 8th June, Dundee Age Concern, 2/4 Caird Avenue, Dundee.

A special exhibition of the work of Edith Shepherd, a "90 something" Dundonian suffering from Alzheimer's opens tomorrow to fulfil her wish to have one last exhibition. Hosted by Dundee Age Concern and assisted by Duncan of Jordanstone Faculty of Art and Design at the University of Dundee, Edith's paintings will be on display in the new Age Concern building on Caird Avenue.

Edith, who has lived and worked in Dundee since the second world war became ill with Alzheimer's just over a year ago. Despite illness and memory problems she has remained actively involved in her church community and has taken a spearheading role in the organisation of this exhibition.

Professor Alan Robb of the School of Fine Art at the University of Dundee: "It is marvellous that art has been part of Edith's life for so long and has sustained her through illness. We will be advising and helping to hang this unique exhibition of her recent work."

Specialist health visitor at Downfield surgery and fellow exhibition organiser Pat Bree said: "It is rare to be given the opportunity to participate in a cultural venture which challenges the way society looks at the elderly. Art is a vital part of Edith's life and although her physical needs are being met, a special spark and focus has been put back into her life by her exhibition: she talks about it frequently."

Edith Shepherd was born in Canada where she was educated in art. After coming to the UK, she met her husband in London and moved to Dundee where she has lived since, teaching in Fairmuir school and serving in the hospital visiting service. She took classes with McIntosh Patrick and ran her own art circle at home . Edith is now in her nineties and is still producing artwork.

Contact Professor Alan Robb, School of Fine Art, University of Dundee 01382 345226