13 June 2001

Degree for me?

photo opportunity 2pm, Thursday 14 June, University reception, University of Dundee.

Pupils from schools in Dundee and Fife are taking part in a Discovering Degrees programme at the University of Dundee this week to encourage them to consider University education as a real possibility.

Over 50 pupils from S2, 3 and 4 are meeting staff and sampling classes in all subjects ranging from art and design to engineering and medicine. The taster course will show them that the level of study required in a degree course is achievable and that higher education is worth considering as an option when they leave school.

Dr John Blicharski, Director of the Wider Access Study Centre said: "It is great that so many young people are taking part this week. We are keen to encourage them to consider higher education before they embark on their standard grades and highers so they can go in with a sense of purpose and goals for attainment."

The University of Dundee's summer school begins this month with 76 students hoping to complete the ten week course and guarantee a place on a degree course. Studying three subjects of their choice, a transferable skills course, and sampling another eight subjects, the students will be introduced to all University facilities, services, sports and nightlife.

Contact Dr John Blicharski 01382 344124