9 July 2003

Room to Rhyme

Photo opportunity 5.30pm, Thursday 10 July, Graduation Sensation Village, Greenmarket, Dundee.

Seamus Heaney, Nobel prize winning poet will deliver his only public lecture this year tomorrow at the University of Dundee as part of 2003 graduation celebrations.

The highly popular and eminent poet, who will receive an honorary degree from the University on Friday, will deliver his lecture 'Room to Rhyme' to a capacity audience. Tickets for the free public lecture have all been snapped up making it one of the biggest public lectures Dundee has ever seen.

The University of Dundee will confer an honorary degree on Seamus Heaney on Friday 11 July for his immense contribution to literature and his example of moderation and integrity.

By Jenny Marra, Head of Press 01382 344910 j.m.marra@dundee.ac.uk