11 July 2002

Nursing generations

A mother and daughter nursing team will graduate with their bachelor of nursing degrees from the University of Dundee next week having encouraged and supported each other through their studies.

Ann Webster (54) and daughter Kirstin (30) from Dunfermline will both graduate on Thursday 11 July in Dundee's Caird Hall at 2.15pm. Kirsten started work as a nursing auxiliary in Queen Margaret Hospital when she left school. She intended to work as an auxiliary for a year before starting her nursing training. She said: "I always wanted to be a fully qualified nurse but one year turned into eight and I suddenly thought - if I don't do my training now I'll never do it." Kirstin took the plunge, completing her diploma in February 2001 and studying for her degree qualifications part time since August.

Kirstin's mum Ann qualified as a nurse in Edinburgh in 1965. When the diploma course was introduced she started studying for the modules and completed in 1999. After participating in Partnerships in Learning Ann realised she already had 20 points towards a degree and thought she might as well go all the way and gain a degree as well.

She said: "As well as doing the degree for my own satisfaction it was a great encouragement and challenge to my daughter to see her mum studying too. I thought: If I can do it, she can do it too."

Ann and Kirsten both work at Queen Margaret Hospital in Dunfermline.

The best nurses of the bunch will graduate this week after completing fast track degrees on scholarships awarded for their outstanding performance at the University of Dundee.

Nurses complete a diploma to qualify as registered general nurses but also have the option in the University take their studies to degree level by completing more modules. Each year the School of Nursing and Midwifery at the University of Dundee awards three outstanding diploma students the funding to go on and study for their degree in nursing.

Dundee nurse Gillian Stephen was one of the outstanding diploma students who was awarded the scholarship. Gillian was due to graduate with her diploma this week but has since fast tracked and completed her degree in time for Thursday afternoon's graduation ceremony. She will be dubbed with her degree in the Caird Hall.

Andy Thom from Dunfermline also fast tracked with his scholarship and will be awarded his degree on Thursday. He said: "The scholarship allowed me to complete my nursing degree. I work full time as a mental health nurse at Queen Margaret Hospital in Dunfermline and so completed the degree in my spare time."