1 July 2002

Lawyers avec je ne sais quoi

photo of  Alison and Gregor

The first batch of law students armed with a qualification in language will graduate from the University of Dundee next week before being snapped up by employers for their considerably employable credentials.

Six students decided four years ago to undertake a modern language course on top of their heavy workload in law to make them more employable and open up the opportunity to work abroad.

Jennifer Black (22), Alison Bisset (21), Rebecca Gleave (22), Richard McDade (23), Claire McDermott (22) and Gregor Rolfe (21) took the option of studying French, German or Spanish through the four years of their law degree and will graduate in the Caird Hall on Thursday 11 July at 10.30am. This group of fluent students also represent the four corners of the United Kingdom with Rebecca Gleave from Wales, Claire McDermott and Richard McDade from Northern Ireland and Jennifer Black from England. Alison and Gregor are Scots from Dundee.

Richard McDade, who is from Belfast, has secured a job with top London and international law firm Clifford Chance. Richard said: "I decided to study French with my law degree to give myself better job prospects in a very competitive employment market. I had studied French through A level and didn't want to give it up."

Alison Bisset from Broughty Ferry studied law with German. She is now going to Strathclyde University to study for a masters degree in human rights law and hopes to pursue a career in academia.

Gregor Rolfe said he decided to study German to add another string to his bow. He said: "Europe is becoming increasingly important and influential. With my language skills I will be able to participate in law at European level. Gregor has secured his law traineeship -which all practising lawyers must undertake for two years- with Edinburgh law firm Simpson and Marwick.

Course co-ordinator for law with languages Robin White said: "I am delighted to see our first students in law graduate with a language qualification at degree level. Fluency in language is an extremely important and marketable skill and as the law profession becomes more global it is vital that our students have the skills to be international communicators. The University of Dundee strives to equip our students with skills to make our graduates some of the most employable in the country.

This year also sees the first students to graduate with a joint degree in law and accountancy.