5 July 2002

From charity shop to Dean's medal

photo of Angela Smith

A mature student who picked up a book keeping manual in a charity shop and decided she could do accountancy is graduating with the Dean's medal in law and accountancy from the University of Dundee this week.

Angela Smith (35) from Dundee was working in the cancer research shop in the City centre when she found the book. She went straight up to Dundee College and within minutes was enrolled on the Scottish Wider Access Programme taking 27 modules in subjects ranging from maths to Spanish. She took as many modules as possible in accountancy and was accepted for a degree course at the University of Dundee.

Angela, who is a qualified nurse, is currently nursing in Linlathen house, home for elderly and young disabled people. Her career plan - which she has been working on since her student days taking management specialism courses at University - is to use her accountancy skills and pursue a role in management in the nursing home.

Angela shares the Dean's medal with Ruthven Bell, a law student who completed his law degree in two years taking the accelerated course on offer to graduates in other disciplines.

Dr Alex Russell: "I am delighted to be able to award two medals this session to such deserving candidates, one from each of the undergraduate departments in the Faculty.

Both students are graduating this session. Ms Angela Smith is graduating with an upper second class BAcc Honours degree, and Mr Ruthven Bell is graduating from the accelerated degree programme with an LLB degree. The Faculty is very proud of their achievements and I am delighted to be able to recognise them in this way."

Another accountancy student to graduate with a prize this week is Grant Roger from Dundee who picks up a double award. KPMG, the large accountancy firm have awarded Grant their annual prize for the best senior honours student and also the best students in auditing in taxation. This prize is shared with Derek Allan.

Angela, Ruthven, Grant and Derek will graduate on Friday 12 July in the Caird Hall, Dundee.