3 July 2002

UK's Four First Nurses meet in Dundee

photo of first nurses in UK

The four chief nursing officers from all corners of the UK gather today at the University of Dundee to learn about the latest health initiatives being pioneered at the University including plans to establish the world's first international virtual medical school (IVIMEDS).

The four will be met by Dean of Nursing and Midwifery at the University of Dundee Professor Sheila Hunt and Principal and Vice Chancellor Sir Alan Langlands.

The chief nursing officers are Miss Anne Jarvie, Scotland; Mrs Sarah Mullally, England; Mrs Rosemary Kennedy, Wales and Miss Judith Hill, Northern Ireland.

During their two day visit they will be introduced to the international virtual medical school initiative which last month took a major step forward following an extraordinary series of discussions involving over 50 medical schools in 16 countries. Leading medical educators from America to Australia are now poised to embark on stage two of the initiative which could see the first students signed up as early as summer 2004 and will allow more health professionals to be trained within contained costs.